Using Quadrants from Integral Theory to broaden your perspective

How often have you been in the same situation with other people and yet it seems that you have a very different experience than them? 

Yes, people are somewhat wired in a different way and have different perspectives. 

A simple model to illustrate that are the 4 quadrants of Integral Theory. These are 4 dimensions of life that exist in every circumstance and situation:

  • The “I” -  How I personally see & feel about something

  • The “WE” - How I and others see that same thing

  • The “IT”: The objective facts about something

  • The “ITS”: The systemic view and processes

Let`s take a work meeting, for example.

  • Some people will naturally focus on their feelings and thoughts, how that meeting align with their personal values (I)

  • Others will pay attention to the shared meaning and the connection that they were able to make with others (WE)

  • There will be those that are very much all about actions and will value to get the things done (IT)

  • And last but not least, those that will try to make sense by wanting to put all pieces together, trying to understand how everything fits.(ITS).

All those dimensions are valid but yet partial.

Everyone tends to have a favourite perspective unintentionally which has an impact on how we see the others as well. 

Often a person who is focused on their personal meaning and values (I) can disregard the deeds and actions (IT) or judge unintentionally people who focus from that perspective as being “too” result oriented”. At the same time, a person focused on deeds and actions can judge the one who is focused on their values and feelings as a softy or “wishy woshy”.

Train yourself to see things from all quadrants/ aspects, though can help you  see more AS the other person and will broaden your own views and perspectives as well.

Can you identify your own tendency and maybe throughout next week try and explore more at least one of the other 3 quadrants?


Conflict always happens on the level of strategies


Happy birthday "Reinventing organisations"!