Happy birthday "Reinventing organisations"!

“Reinventing Organisations” is indeed what it says on the front cover of this book:

  • A game changer

  • A guide to creating organisations inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness

I got inspired by the upcoming 10 year anniversary of the book to write about my story on how this book has influenced me over the years.

The book is a massive source of knowledge including:

  • inspirations from different theories and so many other books;

  • real organisational examples of how organisations can be managed in a successful, conscious and evolutionary way;

  • tons of best practices.

What happened after I have read this book:

  • Reading examples that in teal organizations, practices such as Nonviolent Communication are really helpful to resolve conflicts gave me that extra reassurance and stimulus to continue promoting and teaching that way of communicating and living to people in big organizations. Other great practices like Sociocracy really influenced me further and I keep practicing them and share them with others.

  • I fell in love with the idea of the “levels of consciousness” and I still am to this day. It makes so much sense and it gave me such a powerful tool to actually look at people, teams and organisations and spot where they currently are.

This gives me a powerful coaching guide of what could be steps for healthy horizontal and potentially vertical transformational development (if necessary). This love for the levels and the book being inspired by the work of Ken Wilber and Robert Keagan pretty much formed my choice to choose to become a certified Integral Coach which is by far the most transformational journey I have experienced.

  • Of course, I kept following the work of the author Frederic Laloux which further helped me discover and experience: “Teal around the world” and “The Week”. I connected with so many wonderful like minded people this way.

Through those years of growth after discovering “Reinventing Organisations”, a lot of my thinking has evolved as well particularly in how I perceive:

  • Evolutionary purpose: I always thought that it is something that stays with you and is somewhat concrete and broad at the same time: e.g. it is not I am a coach but more related to my deep desire to help people and as long as I align my actions to that, I feel purposeful and fulfilled. However, through time, the term “evolutionary” really came home to how my purposeful actions can evolve, following the changes that are happening in and around me.

  • Teal is not an utopia nor the goal: Frederic says that many times too. However, many people have it as something that needs to be reached (and in doing so they operate from Orange levels of consciousness). Not every organization, team or individual needs to become “teal” whatever that means, nor is this necessary.

In fact, it is even impossible. What is possible though is that more and more people become more and more conscious of themselves, of others and their surroundings.

And if in a true “teal” mindset we embrace at least the belief that everyone and I mean truly everyone is right, but only partially, maybe we will become more inclusive towards everyone and not only the people with whom we tend to agree.

And so, yes, Frederic Laloux, with your work, you do guide people towards the next stage of human development and in my view the world could not thank you enough! But since I can not speak about the whole world but only about myself, I would like to “Thank YOU” from the bottom of my heart for being a big influence in how I perceive the world!


Using Quadrants from Integral Theory to broaden your perspective


🧘 Did you know that the spiritual journey is not always hunky-dory?