Always count on your inner light

I would like to share something very personal and close to my heart with you today which is what's behind the “Firefly” logo of Mander Coaching.

I guess the story starts with a beautiful memory of mine when I must have been 5. I am on a summer holiday with my granny and grandpa in a resort not far from my home time called: Stara Zagora Mineral Waters. It's very warm and yet not too hot as it`s about 8 o'clock in the evening. We are in a park and it's dusk. Suddenly, I see a sight that I will never forget. Fireflies, a beautiful field of fireflies glowing and flying together, close to each other. It is fascinating. The brightness that is coming from there, from such small creatures. I am in awe, I feel calm, I feel peaceful, I feel happy!

I don't think I have seen a field of fireflies ever since but I remember this as if it was yesterday…

The firefly is an amazing and spiritual creature. 

They are symbols of hope illuminating the darkness and reminding us that hope prevails even in the darkest times. The fireflies that I saw were glowing and fleeting in sync, symbolising the harmony and unity and how important it is to live in harmony with nature and each other.

Every firefly has an inner light and my belief is that humans are just the same: at times, maybe we are a bit off track, we get a bit lost but as long as we believe in our inner power and inner wisdom, eventually we start glowing again.

If you try and hold one, though, you will discover that she would stop glowing as she would feel threatened and would hide. Isn't that what people do as well? When we feel trapped or feel under a threat, we crumble and stop shining. 

Once we manage to find our inner superpower again, our light starts getting brighter. However, sometimes we can not do that on our own and that is ok. We just need another firefly to guide us to find our inner strength again. We, human beings, are social creatures and count on each other`s light, inspire each other with our stories, experiences, wisdom, we help each other to shine brightly and when this happens, I feel exactly the same way as this little girl when she was 5 in that beautiful summer evening at the site of the field of fireflies. It's peaceful, it's bright, there is no fear of darkness as the fireflies will always find their inner glow and if not, they will guide each other to spark each other`s light. There is endless hope.

Ever since I thought of my own business, a few years back when it was just an idea, I knew I would use the symbol of the firefly because this is what I thrive to do at Mander Coaching. I guide individuals to refocus and discover their inner glow through a journey of self-discovery and I help teams and organisations to keep glowing together and inspiring each other. This way, the path ahead is clear, brighter and lighter.

If you are going through some sort of transition and need a little guidance to find your inner power, message me.

Have a bright day!


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