Level up your leadership skills with Integral Quadrants
❓ What kind of leader are you?
Let`s answer that by mapping your leadership skills with the 4 quadrants of Integral Theory by Ken Wilber.
Are you someone who:
🔲 “I” - Individual & Subjective
👉 is paying attention to their values and feelings;
👉values self-awareness and reflection;
👉is focused on how to bring meaning to the work you and others do?
🔲 “WE” - Collective & Subjective
👉 listens and empathises with others;
👉 is making sure you bring a common vision and shared understanding for your team;
👉 includes everyone in the conversations/ decisions?
🔲 “IT” - Individual & Objective
👉 makes sure expectations and what good looks like are clearly communicated;
👉 values efficiency and results;
👉 find it easy to give constructive feedback based on something tangible?
🔲 “ITS” - Collective & Objective
👉 values data, research, processes;
👉 looks at the bigger picture and links that to the successes of your team;
👉 looks at the growth of your team members beyond the structure of the team and organisation?
💫 Without a doubt, you would have your preference, where your natural leadership style lies and you would be great at it.
💡 If you are only focusing on one or two of the quadrants, though, you would be missing out on developing your leadership style in a more integral way.
For example:
❗ If you are mainly objective and focused on actions, data, results, how things fit together, you may be missing out on the development of your people skills: communication, emotional intelligence, and your team members might find it difficult to open up with you.
❗ If you are predominantly subjective, thinking, and focusing only on how you feel and involving anyone without discussing any actions or setting any boundaries and expectations, your employees will soon be lost.
🧩 Therefore, try to hold all quadrants, all dimensions and perspectives in mind to be an even better leader and develop an Integral Leadership style!
🔔 Be honest with yourself today and reflect on your favourite quadrant(s)?
During the next week or two, train yourself deliberately to see through the eyes of your less natural quadrants as well.