Be a rock star facilitator with Integral Quadrants
To all the facilitators out there in my network or people who are organising team/ group sessions:
Don`t you find sometimes that whatever you do, there is always someone who may not be very positive about a particular session.
And isn`t it normal, you would say?! After all, you can`t please everyone...
Or maybe you can try something new.
Take the integral quadrant view into consideration when you are designing your next workshop to accommodate to different people and their needs:
The “I” participants: those are people who will appreciate time on their own to reflect on the content you share.
=> Make sure you incorporate time in your session for individual silent reflection.
The “WE” participants: the people who would like to interact with the group and seek for belonging and shared understanding.
=> Make sure you have group activities and break outs to satisfy their needs to contribute collectively to the session
The “IT” participants: the people who like to roll their sleeves and get down to work. Actions speak louder than words.
=> Make sure you have tangible and practical activities and clearly defined actions at the end of the workshop. Otherwise, they will feel like they lost their time
The “ITS” participants: the people who are structured, organised and would like to figure out how things fit into the bigger picture.
=> Make sure you have a defined agenda in your workshop and you refer to the process, every now and then. Also, take the time to make conclusions after the different sections of your meeting to allow time to connect the dots.
Hope you found those tips helpful!
Ask the participants for feedback after your session and see for yourself.
Let me know how it works for you.