Are we living in a binary world…?!
Dear friend,
I have been looking around lately and what I see on regular basis is the same thing happening from centuries in the way we parent and we have been educated, in the marital relations, at the workplace and worldwide: binary thinking, opposites, sides...Why not, we have so many words for it: right or wrong, black or white, good or bad, guilty or innocent, rich or poor, tolerant or intolerant, clever or stupid, + or -, like or dislike...
However, when you express yourself in your language there are so many other words, when you walk around the streets you can see so many different colours...
First days of the lockdown worldwide were so difficult and painful and yet I felt that people were so connected, they were understanding each other more than ever and nothing else mattered.
I know that I appreciate people with strong opinions and beliefs and depending on the subject I have mine too. What I also know is that when you mix black and white, you get different shades of grey.
I need a sketch but I also need to add more colour to it, maybe even a picturesque landscape! I want a rainbow and I will endlessly hope and believe in myself and in you that we will try our best to search for that rainbow after the rain and capture it before it disappears behind the grey clouds...